Miss Neko

Miss Neko

Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012

Get-together in the Japanese garden ♥

Hi there (^-^)v
A few days ago I went to Düsseldorf with Damla & Demet who you
might know as Diadem Twinz  and Momoko Tendou ♥
We went to the OCS store , took some Purikura there, bought some food and had some fun ♪  After that we also went to the japanese garden
and enjoyed the lovely weather *-* 
With Momoko ♥
♥ Purikura 
In the OCS store they also
had a collection of all the Fruits Basket Manga !
I wanted to buy them so badly,
but they were so expensive and only in japanese T_T
I have volume 1-17 , Fruits basket will always be my favourite Manga
as the story is just 
so lovely.
Thoru Honda is my role model since I'm 13 ♥
If you don't know that Manga you really should try to read some pages of it
I'm shure you'll like it.
 Later on we were relaxing at a small pond, eating strawberries
and some other things ~♥
Some lovely pictures the Twins took that day :
Thanks again for the lovely day girls ! ♥♥♥

Neko's music :

Submatik & Phil feat. Holly Drummond - One 
(Virtual Riot Remix)
A new remix by my sweetheart ♪
Check it out :

♥ Perfume - Spring of life ♥

• Air Gear - Chain Remix [Magnificentral]
So thrilling ♥
Thanks for reading ♥
Have a nice day ~ nyan  
ばいばい(⌒∇⌒)ノ ~

8 Kommentare:

  1. Ich war gestern bei Colloseum und leider gabs das hübsche Kleid nicht mehr ;.; Ich hätte es so gern gehabt. Schöne Fotos habt ihr gemacht und das Wetter war ja auch perfekt dafür. Die Fotos vom japanischen Garten sind total toll ♥
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Ohh das tut mir leid für dich >_< ♥♥
    Auch bei dem Laden in Dortmund oder woanders ?
    Kleider dieser Art gibt es hoffentlich noch häufiger dort und woanders :O
    Ich sag bescheid wenn ich mehr finde ^^
    Danke, liebe Grüße zurück ;3

  3. duhuuu? hab mir mal ganz dreist deinen Header geklaut und dich auf meinem Blog bei Lieblingswebsites verlinkt :)


  4. Aww vielen Dank *///* Das ist ja lieb ♥♥♥
    Dein Blog ist toll ♥

  5. Just found my way to your blog and it's so cute!
    I think your style is lovely and really like your posts ^^


    I think might have seen a picture of you before at least you remind me of that pic..there's a tall slender girl like you in a cute pink outfit, she has pink hair and she wears a light pink corset..

    Frillycakes ♥

  6. Awww thank you ^////^ ~♥
    That might have been me , at least I have a light pink corset and some photos that look like your description :)

    I followed you as well *-* great Blog ♥
    Have a nice day,
    nyan ~♥
