Miss Neko

Miss Neko

Freitag, 16. November 2012

Aries outfit, Curls with a hair straightener & the Yukon

Hi there (^-^)v
Hmm ~ can you guess what my zodiac sign is ?
Right ! It's Aries ♥ (my birthday is in April).
Like I mentioned in my previous entry, last Saturday I hosted the
"Japanese street fashion contest"
at the Yukon in Solingen. It's an anime/manga & Japanese fashion
convention in Germany. I met many nice & gorgeous people there ♥
I got the aries horns/ears I'm wearing on the picture above at one of the shops at the Yukon. I also bought white cat ears with pink ribbons & bells
and some other accessories. I'll show you soon ^^
Buying these things at conventions is really worth it as you have no
shipping costs for the Asian items etc.
I can't tell you how happy I was to finally find aries horns ! ♥
I wanted ones for so long and I'm still searching for 

cool & not too expensive fake deer horns, as I think
they look absolutely adorable as hair accessory. It reminds me of cool
Touhou characters. I absolutely love 
Suika Ibuki and Keine Kamishirasawa from Touho
( but above all I love Flandre ♥ ).
They look is so great ! I really want to try to achieve their
look a bit closer soon ♪

(By the way, on all pictures in this entry I'm wearing no extensions,only at the picture from the Yukon with Kiharo)
Suika Ibuki :


Keine Kamishirasawa :

At the Yukon I also met Kiharo from Virtual Kei
Some of you might remember that he edited a picture of me *-*
His editing is really great ! If you want your picture edited too go ask
at his Virtual Kei page ^^ ( He is creating an awesome
environment around you in your picture )
It was great meeting you ;3 ♥
I wil upload more pictures of the Yukon soon.
At the Yukon there were also some fellow students
(older than me -> Senpai ;3) of my university course "Modern Japan" to present our studies to future students.
I hand my own stand as "Miss Neko"  and sat right next to them,
so I could join them presenting our studies. They also wrote

the names of the people who wanted it in Japanese & I could help with that.
One of them has a blog about studying and with helpful advises ^^
check it out (it's in German) :
My paceThe stand with information & our japanese books :

This week I moved into my first own apartement in Düsseldorf
it's 10 minutes away from my university, so in summer I can walk there.
I'm so happy about that ♥ Finally I have more time again !
My boyfriend, my sister and my mother helped me, so my new
home was ready in 2 days *o*  At the first evening my boyfriend

built up all my new furniture on his own, all night long. Poor honey ;_;
I'm sooo thankfull for that ♥ I must admit I can't really carry
anything as I'm so weak ...and I'm too stupid to understand
most instructions on 'how to build furniture'.
We bought everything at Ikea, which also is only 10 minutes
away from my home. It was cool buying a whole new furnishing *O*
All my furniture is white or pink ♥ And I got a huge bed. I'll show you
some pictures when I'm done decorating etc. My dad also needs to
paint the walls pink soon, they are still white at the moment.
So as I finally got more time to do free time activities now
I tried out some new things.
This is the first time I used an
hair straightener to create curls :

I took the picture above at my university,
as you can see autumn has finally arrived ♥
And as you can see I also tried out a new look for my bangs :
So, for those of you who have always wondered ...
Yes I have eyebrows :D
They even are one of the few things I really like about my body^^
Haha too bad they are always hidden ;D
The 'Aries outfit' ~ it's so cozy ♥


As I mentioned in my previous entry I went to a comedy
show by Jochen Malmsheimer
on Halloween this year. It was great ♥
After the show we stayed at his home and cuddled with
his cat Luna and so on :)
Oh my gosh she's always so relaxed ♥
If he carries her she really melts in his hands ^o^
...like me xD Ho Ho Ho....
(bad joke ! Sorry that just had to get out xD it fitted so well.
Don't misunderstand me wrongly !
To quote my favourite Comedian Johann König)
"Leutee missversteht mich nich falsch" ♥
I tried to capture the beautiful scenery the autumn creates
here in Düsseldorf. This is a picture I took at my University :
And this is right in front of my new home :
Normally I don't like autumn, but this year it's really beautiful
and I started having fun trying out lots of new outfits
fitting in with autumn ♥ I guess if you wear the right clothes and
have lovely people in your life any season can be great ♥
In the past I only loved summer and hated every other season. I waited desperately for summer, but now I learned to get something good
out of every season. After all you want to have a
great time the whole year, right ? ♥

Neko's Music :

First of all I need to show you something ^-^
My boyfriend was mentioned in a music catalogue :
I marked his picture blue, he is called
Virtual Riot  
Some of you might already know his youtube channel and the songs
we made together ( Aishiteru yo ne, Nightfall ).
Yayy I am so happy for him  \(^-^)/

• Capsule - Feelin' Alright 
Another great song of one of my
absolutely favourite musicians !
I wish you an awesome weekend ,
Bye bye (^-^)v ♥

12 Kommentare:

  1. Oh wie süß! Das steht dir total gut!

  2. You're so pretty! you look great with everything!!^^ I love those deer horns^^

  3. Kyahh *-* die Bilder sind ja total niedlich :3

  4. DIE KATZE!!!! *_* wie süß!
    Schöne Bilder.

  5. sehr schöne Bilder und danke, dass du immer so viel postest ich find deine posts immer so toll :)

  6. Hehee I'm cancer by starsign, wonder what sorta headband I shall wear..? Antennas with eyes :3?
    x, Lara

  7. Haha. Hast mich ja tatsächlich verlinkt XD Danke!
    Schade, dass wir uns bisher nicht wieder gesehen haben! Aber freut mich, dass der Umzug gut gelaufen ist! ;)

  8. Awww thank you guys *blush* ♥♥♥ ^////^

    @NekoMimichan : Vielen Dank ♥ Es freut mich immer wenn jemand das zu würdigen weiß, steckt nämlich echt Arbeit hinter :3

    @Lara Takahashi : Hey I bet some kind of antennas could look very cute ;D Imagine some big cute plush "cancer pincers" as gloves *.* hihi

    @Kiwisplit : Klar sehr gerne ♥ Danke ~ Ich hoffe man sieht sich nochmal :3 bestimmt ^^

    Have a great day guys ♥♥♥ nyan

  9. Die Widderhörnchen sind so süß *-*
    Ich bin ebenfalls einer; die Anschaffung ist eine Überlegung wert :D

  10. Aww yayy Widder sind toll ;3 ♥
    Das sähe sicher sehr süß bei dir aus *-*

  11. Aww du siehst wieeder sooo süß aus *3*

    Ich hätte mal 2 Fragen an dich o:

    1. Kannst du mal einen Tutorial machen wie du die haare so toll hinbekommst o:?

    2. Wie bist du so eine bekannte bloggerin geworden >-<? viele meiner freunde kennen dich und viele leute folgen dir ja auch deshalb frag ich mal x3


  12. Dankeschön ♥ (*/∇\*) キャ
    Zur ersten Frage ich habe schon lange mal einige Videos gemacht (4 Tutorials) die muss ich aber immernoch überarbeiten hoffe ich finde da bald Zeit zu, damit ich die dann auch endlich hochladen kann ;_; ♥
    (Ich hab im Moment einfach unglaublich viel zu tun wegen der Uni und so )

    Zur 2. Frage muss ich erst einmal sagen :
    awwwww ! *rot werd* ;3
    Ich weiß selbst nicht genau, soo sehr bekannt bin ich ja leider nicht, ich muss zugeben ich würde gerne mehr Menschen erreichen, aber ich bin auch schon extrem überwältigt und glücklich das überhaupt so viele Leute dann doch meinen Blog lesen ^-^
    Also wie ich jetzt genau dazu gekommen bin weiß ich auch nicht genau, ich blogge ja auch schon sehr lange und ganz kontinuierlich, ich denke das könnte mit ein Grund sein :)
    Ich gebe auf jeden Fall immer mein bestes alles was mir sehr interessant und spannend erscheint hier zu teilen ^-^

    nyan ~♥
