Miss Neko

Miss Neko

Montag, 4. Februar 2013

My 'Hair' Shooting, Hebi ni Piasu, Nicole Dollanganger & deep thoughts

 Hi there (^-^)v
A few days ago I had a photo shooting with
Daniel Pinho
He did a photo series called "Hair". I think his
work is just stunning ! *-*
Daniel Pinho is a young photographer from Brazil
who does his Master's degree in Photography
at the Fine Arts Academy of Bologna (Italy)
at the moment. His photos really contain intense emotions
in my eyes. There is something really capturing about them.
I like art that gets your thoughts flowing ~♥
You should especially check out this series :
"Today I saw the sun"
Really terrific. Such a thing could be a nice album cover.
It also gets me thinking about lots of post-apocalyptic scenarios.
After the shooting I took some pictures myself. My hair from the side ♪
Wearing the magnetic heart necklace to which my
boyfriend has the other part.
♥ Blood brothers ♥
I already showed this new headband to you
but now finally I found the time to take a picture of it myself :
I got it here :   dolly.darling
This cute Hello Kitty charm came with it :
( I did the Decoden on my phone myself^^)
Finally I have holidays, but I still need to study
Japanese etc. during my semester break.

But I'll definitely write more blog entries now again \(^-^)/
I want to introduce one of my farourite books to you:
蛇にピアス   Hebi ni Piasu
English : Snakes and earrings
German title : Tokyo Love 
You can watch the full movie on youtube :
[Japanese with English subtitles]
Of course the translations aren't as good as the original ,as always,
but as my Japanese is not that advanced at the moment
and I only understand little bits I read the german version
(I'd probably have bought the english version
but I saw the german book in a store and bought it right away
as I didn't want to wait for it to be send etc.).
The story is very intense and emotional.
Really gripping ♥ I like the thoughts the main charakter Lui has
and the way she acts is really interesting.
The book is very macabre, brutal but still very romantic in a strange way.
I love such romanticism ^^
Well I got a huge thing for morbid & fragile things/art.
The thoughts of the characters
seem really dark from time to time, but don't we all
have these kind of thoughts sometimes during our life ?
I think the story appears really honest displaying that.
I must say I like the misery which is
painted during the plot. I've always liked books about
misery and psychological issues the most.
I don't really know why, that topic is just very facinating to me.
It opens up your mind to a whole new way of thinking.
A thinking which is outside the box.

Plot :
Lui is nineteen years old, beautiful, bored and unmotivated. When she meets Ama in a bar, she finds herself mesmerized by his forked tongue and moves in with him and has her own tongue pierced. Determined to push her boundaries further, she asks Amas friend Shiba to design an exquisite tattoo for her back. But what Shiba demands as payment for the tattoo leads Lui into a brutal and explicit love triangle like no other. Then, after a violent encounter on the backstreets of Tokyo, Ama vanishes and Lui must face up to the reality of her life.

The author :
Hitomi Kanehara was only 20 when the book was published
and she won the most important award for literature in Japan,
the Akutagawa prize. (I even learned about this in my Japanese studies
when we did modern literature, yeah *o*)
Feel free to tell me how you think about it ^-^
When I bought the book at the OCS store in Düsseldorf
I also finally bought my very own

シャープペンシル !
(mechanical pencil ?I don't know what the english word is)
I love it so much ♥♥♥ There is nothing more practical for
writing in Japanese in my eyes, it just feels so comfortable.
Doodling around ^o^
I've also finally taken a photo of the cute Hello Kitty
hair tie I bought last year at the OCS store :
My boyfriend got me a Game Boy Advance SP
When I was a child I only had a Game Boy colour,
I really wanted to play with this Game Boy so much ...
screen lights are so awesome :D Haha, I'm so late I know.
He's also got a Pokémon game ♥ the reason I wanted to start playing
with a Game Boy again in the first place.
I have lots of Pokémon/Mario games on my computer (Emulator)
but that's just not the same.

The Game Boy on the right side is mine, the one on the left side is his ♥
(I really don't like purple at all...I don't know why I chose that colour
when I was a child =D I guess looks didn't matter that much to me)
A few days ago I saw this beautiful rainbow when I looked out of the window of my apartment *-*
 My window is quite huge and goes down to the floor, I love sitting next to it.
Right before it there is the heater so it's a really cozy place ~♥

For quite a long time now I've been trying to eat more and more vegan.
I'm vegetarian since a few years now and well I'm slowly
making progress ^-^ For all of you who are open minded, caring
and willing to protect the world I wanted to tell you
which soya milk is the yummiest in my opinion :
Some of you might think : "Soya milk ? Well I also care about the world, but this just really tastes like sh..." I also thougt that sometimes, I must admit ;D I've experienced that soya milk can taste so awfully different. 
But this brand is it ! ♥ 
I'm so happy I finally found one which tastes awesome. 
It really is just perfect ♥ I'm only buying this now instead of milk.
I'm still not all vegan yet and I don't know when I'll be, but I know that I do all I can and try to avoid bad products as much as possible.
I did never really adress the topic Veganism and vegetarianism as 
I would have to write books to cover up everything important !
The topic is really complex and huge !
People often judge too fast and are just not informed enough about this !
I must admit I've got to the point where I say :
I won't discuss this topic with you unless you have read
certain books, Information, statistics.
I'm just tired of discussing this. 
I made this choice because deep down in my heart
I think it is the only right decision and I don't want to take any part
in the abuse and exploitation of animals.
 This decision is one of the big decisions in my life that make me
deeply happy. It is for my heart and my piece.
And if at least one animal can be helped through this it is fine.
But I know it is protecting more.
For further information check out these great sites :
(a great Blog about veganism with lots of information)
a great book because of which I finally
became vegetarian a few years ago ♥

NO there is no excuse for eating animal corpses.
NO there is no excuse for torturing and exploiting animals.
NO there is no excuse for ignoring this.
NO I'm not discussing this anymore.
Just watch and think.
Let's becoma a better mankind.
Even if it's just through little steps.
Here is something cute for you again now to cheer up the thoughts a little.
I think it's good to be critical, but being negative is not constructive.
Neko's music :

Today I want to share a musician with you who is really important to me.

My favourite song by her : Barren 

"Thought you saw light but it was forest fires
Eating me alive; my limbs are dead and dry
My ribcage cradles dirt and weeds
I'm empty inside

You tried to make love to my empty womb
Tried to stuff me like a doll with pieces of you
But it all seeps from my loosened seams
I took myself apart and cut off my strings
I scraped the remains from my starving bowels
And collected them into garbage piles
To tie in bags and sink in the lake
Buried at the bottom all my sad mistakes"
I bought her 2 albums and I really love each of her songs so deeply.
Her music touches me so intensely and is as important to me as 
the music of Emilie Autumn.

I really fell in love with her music at first sight.

I can't even express how much I love her art.

It's something so special and unique to me.

I can't get enought of these tunes and the mood/thoughts

they awaken in me. I also can relate a lot...
♥ so utterly frail seeming art ~ the love of my heart ♥

Go to her bandcamp if you want to buy her music

1 album is only 4 $ !

The music comes along with all the lyrics and a message.

Album :

Flowers of flesh and blood

Album :
Curdled milk 

• Nicole Dollanganger - Blood brothers 
"Now we're blood brothers
a part of me will always live in you

I love all your demons because now

they're my demons too."

• Nicole Dollanganger - Hair Lockets 
" sweeter than a vial of your blood"  ~♥

• Nicole Dollanganger - Coma baby 
Thank you for reading ~♥
 nyan ♪ (^-^)v

11 Kommentare:

  1. das erste foto ist der hammer . Deine haare sind so schön

  2. Love the "hair" photo, gorgeus! :D

    Such cute gets again, I like the hairband, perfect because I like nature, animals and cuteness. ^^ Ah, the rainbow. ♥

    I'm a vegan and my daughter is allergic to all dairy and soya and many other crops, so we have ricemilk, I also have sometimes oatmilk. I think soy is good for women, because it with women hormones, but I think it's too sugary tasting for me, although I love chocolate soymilk. :P

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

  3. Ich finde den Haarreifen so toll *__*

    Bin auch seit einigen Jahren Veggie und muss dir zustimmen - es gibt teilweise echt eklige Sojamilch |'3
    Ich werde mal diese hier testen, die du vorgeschlagen hast :3

  4. Finde es total super, wie du dein Japan Studium durch ziehst. Ist ja sicher nicht so leicht, alles zu lernen. Aber sehr cool :)
    Ich selber ernähre mich privat auch fast vegetarisch, doch durch meine Koch Ausbildung kann ich nicht ganz auf Fleisch verzichten. Aber ich finde das sich jeder Mensch etwas mehr Gedanken um unsere Umwelt machen sollte. Ich kann jedem die Filmreihe "Die Erde von Oben" empfehlen. Danach werdet Ihr ganz anders denken und euch viel mehr Gedanken machen :)
    Freu mich, die Tage mehr von dir zu lesen :)

    Lg, Mare

  5. Madly in love with your photo.
    I looked through all the work of the photographer and was in admiration. He has gorgeous work! I loved this minimalism in photos, it's so attractive.
    In general I do not like such a minimalism in work, I like the photo of the artists. sometimes they are so atmospheric and deep. Probably just because I can not always understand the work of minimalists. But here everything is very clear. All photos are .... alive. Sincerely alive!
    And your photos so much hair ... Do it all - your hair? Or false locks were used? Or pic was edited in a photo editor? A feeling unreal thickness...Magical, really.
    I also really like your bouffant. Maybe you can make a video tutorial on how to create such a bouffant? It is wonderful!
    And hair accessoire with deer horns is very cute. It suits you so much, gives the image of this an innocent tenderness and fragility.
    Love your style <3

    ☆*゚ ゜゚*姫パラダイス❣ *゚ ゜゚*☆

  6. Ich liebe den Alpro Soya Vanille Pudding!!! Und wenn du sagts, dass deren Milch gut ist, muss die auch mal ausprobieren! :D

  7. ich habe mir eben die ganzen haarfotos von daniel pinho angeschaut und du warst diejenige die am meisten aufgefallen war :D sehr geil

    ich steh total auf die alpro sojamilch, finde aber auch andere sorten total lecker

  8. ich muss mirden haarreif kaufen *Q* so unglaublich süß >3< <3

    und du hast recht. du musst dich vor keinem menschen rechtfertigen warum du keine tiere quälen willst.

    inspirierender post <3

  9. omg so many cute things here x3 and your hair.. its so pink!! love it! i love pink

    do you want to follow each other?
    visit my blog ^^

  10. Hallo :)
    Ich finde es wirklich toll, dass du diese vegane Sache in Angriff nimmst! Go for it!

    Eine tolle Seite mit Rezepten ist vegan-und-lecker.de
    Ach ja, auf meinem Blog gibts auch einiges zum Thema (der Blog ist recht neu, es wird noch einiges folgen ^^

    Liebe Grüße :)

  11. dank dir..habe ich mir das Buch eben auch bestellt..hehe♥
