Miss Neko

Miss Neko

Donnerstag, 27. November 2014

Miss Neko in Tokyo: Shibuya 109, Ma*rs & meeting Himena Ousaki ♥

Hi there (^-^)v
Today I will show you one of my favourite shops of
Shibuya 109 ♥ 
the best department store ever !
During my trip to Tokyo I spend most of my time in Shibuya
and I must say it's really my favourite place in Tokyo
and right after comes Harajuku ♪ I will show you what I saw
in Harajuku in my next entry.
And of course I didn't travel alone
I went together with my dear friend Bea
Ma*rs twin coordination :
Me at the famous Shibuya crossing ♪
When I arrived at Shibuya station of course I had to greet 
Hachiko ハチ公 first *o*
It's a dream come true finally being there after so many
years of adoring this city ~♥
Do you know the movie that was made about the story of
the faithful dog Hachiko ?
I would advise you to watch the japanese version from 1987 !
with english subtitles full version on youtube

But there is also an English version that plays in the U.S. :
Hachi: A dog's tale

Shibuya : 

My coordination: 
Dress: Liz Lisa - Classic Rose Angel one piece
Bag: MyMelody
Socks: Liz Lisa
Shoes: offbrand 
When I was resting a bit and sat down together with Bea
a pretty girl walked up to us and we wondered if she
might be a model. Suddenly she started to talk to us
and asked me if we could take a photo together *-*
Lucky ! ♥
When I asked her if she was a professional model she told me yes
and then she asked me if I was a model too ! ^////^
I answered that I was currently studying Japanese and English but
I hope to get some bigger model Jobs the future ~ ♪
But I know I still have to work harder for that.
She had a whole team with her in the silver bus you can see in the
background. They even filmed our outfits ^-^
Some random women also asked us if they could take a picture.
Sadly I forgot to ask for her name !
Does anyone of you have an idea who she might be ?
Now let me show you one of my favourite shops in Shibuya 109.
Ma*rs :
I went there a few times as I really love their fashion and by
coincidence I even met Himena Ousaki.
Check out her blog : princessdollhime
She's a really great inspiration and models for a few japanese brands.
She also has her own brand called PrincessMelody.
She was super sweet and Bea and I talked quite some time with her.
She helped us find some nice outfits ♥
Then she asked us why our japanese was so good (haha I wish ;D)
and we told her a litte about ourselves and that I really
adore her sense of fashion. She told us that it's great luck that
we met her in the store as she normally isn't present in the stores
very often these days.
She was surprisingly open and not as distant as most japanese
staff girls at all ! She has a really nice & gentle personality ♪
As she told us she isn't present in the store often we
told her that our friend Sui Princess will also visit Tokyo soon and
surely wants to meet Himena again and she said she'll
definitely make sure to meet her again as well ^-^
Himena also posted a blog entry about meeting all of us :

"ドイツから可愛すぎる♥お客様 2014/11/05"
"Himena's blog: Cute customers from Germany" ♥ 

She writes we were all really sweet and
would look like dolls ^////^
The other staff girls were also super nice and helpful ~♥
I ended up buying this cute dress:
It's my very favourite dress now ♥
I love everything about it \(^-^)/

Only thing is, I have to wear black shorts underneath it as
my legs are just too long for those Japanese sizes ;_;
But now I don't see this as something bad anymore, I mean
most woman want long legs and most of the fashion
there is tries to acheive that look by cheating a little
with the way the clothes are proportioned.
So I decided to not feel ashamed about my height (1,78 cm)
any more ! Now I think this is what makes me unique and
I started to value that ♥ Like everyone should value their body !
I really encourage tall girls to wear whatever they want,
you can look cute as well if you want to !

When I was 13 I always wanted to look like
Chi from Chobits and I even have 2 Cosplays of her.

She is said to be about 1,52 cm.
Cute and small- something a tall girl can never be ? Wrong !
As you see her legs are almost 2/3 of her body lenght and
only really tall girls can get very close to this kind of
body proportions with such long legs.
By the way, of course I know she's only a fictional
character and real body proportions are of course still very different.

All I'm trying to say is everyone can look beautiful
or the way they want to, just highlight your best features and
learn to love the things that make you unique ~♥

I really despise body shaming in general.
Everyone can look their best their own way.


I used to not like Ma*rs fashion so much as most I
knew about it came from pictures on the internet and it were old collections...
I didn't like those too much, but I like the sweeter and
softer sides of it that I've seen in the stores now ♥
I simply prefer very girly and cute Hime Gyaru inspired fashion. ♫

And not so much this "cool clubbing look".

In a Kimono & secondhand store in Tokyo :
I also got this necklace from Ma*rs :
And they gave me a flyer with some new coordinations
Himena is showing us :
Outfits for different occasions :
I like the more elegant look (Day1 "lunch" & Day6) a lot ♥
She's also wearing glasses for these ones.
I really want top try these out myself soon.
But if I had to pick one outfit I'd take "Day2 shopping" *-*
When I was in the store they also had small campaign going on.
If you buy something for over 8,000¥ you get a Ma*rs cup for free !
I chose this one : 

New shoes found at H&M :
MyMelody bag I got in Tokyo ♥♥♥
マイメロディ ♥ matching plushie 
I was really happy to see that My Melody is still very big in Japan.
You could get items of her everywhere *-*
And of course I also love the Liz Lisa & My Mero collaboration ♥
I'll tell you more about that in my next entry ;3
With Bea in Tokyo ♥
The famous crossing in front of Shibuya station:
Shibuya Station: 
Look at that cute truck *o*
After all the shopping we had some iced coffee ♥ アイスコーヒー
It's my favourite drink, I had it all the time.
I really miss it T^T in Düsseldorf there are only a few Cafés
that sell iced coffee the way it's made in Japan ;_;
The Relax for example ♪
That's it for today ♥
Tell me how you liked it ? What more do you want to know about
Tokyo, Shibuya109 or Japanese fashion ?
Is there something you want to write me about ? Let me know ♥
My next entry will also be about shops and fashion in Tokyo so
stay tuned. See you next time ♪ (^-^)v Bye bye ! 

6 Kommentare:

  1. Leider kenne ich das Model auch nicht, aber wie toll ist es bitte, dass sie dich angesprochen hat?! *_* das freut mich richtig für dich! Aber ich kanns verstehen, du sahst wirklich grandios aus ♥
    Ich freu mich schon auf den nächsten Post ^__^

    1. Vielen vielen Dank du Liebe *//////*
      Ich bin schon sehr motiviert jetzt häufiger zu posten ~♥

  2. Ich war auch neulichs in tokyo und ich habe mich ziemlich geschämt für meine größe. Ich bin fast so groß wie du (1,76) und total dürr, aber ich kam mir vor wie ein riesiger bergtroll neben den ganzen kleinen, zarten japanerinnen. Aber auf den fotos sah es gar nicht so schlimm aus. Ich werde halt niemals so aussehen wie eine asiatin, egal wie dünn ich werde weil wir einfach einen anderen körperbau haben! Toll dass du schon so zufrieden mit dir bist! :)

    1. Hey ^-^
      Es ist schön mal ins Gespräch mit mehr Mädchen zu kommen die auch so Groß sind.
      Aber wie ein Bergtroll musst du dir auf keinen Fall vorkommen ! Es hilft vielleicht sich ins Gedächtnis zu rufen wie viele Mädchen genau so eine Größe als Ideal sehen und auch die meisten Asiatinnen scheinen ja mit ihrer kleinen Körpergröße nicht so glücklich zu sein wenn man sich mal ansieht wie viele von denen so extrem hohe Schuhe tragen o.o
      Highheels sind ja in Japan eh ein viel größeres Ding als hier (sind ja auch schön ♥).
      Du kannst wirklich auch mit deinem Körper zufrieden sein das sag ich dir ganz ehrlich *-*
      Und zart und elegant kann man auch sein wenn man groß ist. Genauso wie auch kleine Menschen trampelig, oder kräftig und nicht zierlich sein können (Lumpy space princess mäßig ;D). Ich finde das muss gar nicht so viel mit der Körpergröße zu tun haben ^^
      Eher mit der Attitude.
      Ich meine seine Größe kann man eh nicht ändern, daher finde ich es gut
      wenn man das beste daraus macht ^-^
      Ganz liebe Grüße ~♥

  3. ohgott, ich bin so neidisch! (´∀`)♡ Du siehst so toll aus und Tokyo und Hachiko und TOKYO und aaaaah! xD Sehr toller Post, ich freu mich so sehr auf mehr! ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡

    1. Awww vielen Dank für die lieben Worte ^////////^ ♥
      Ich sitz schon fleißig am neuen Post über Kyoto ♪
      nyan ~♫
