Hi there (^-^)v
I visited my boyfriend on the 4.10-6.10.13 ♥
He is studying music production at the Pop Akademie in Mannheim now.
He is studying music production at the Pop Akademie in Mannheim now.
Therefore he moved and in the past few weeks I helped him pack
his things and buy some new stuff for his apartment.
his things and buy some new stuff for his apartment.
On the photo above you can see my current favourite outfit
for autumn ♥ I've also got new favourite shoes *o*

My Love Valentin ~♥

ちゅー ♥

In a studio of his University :

Honey playing the piano ♥

Getting explained some of the things \(^-^)/


This is also inside the Studio, what a cozy school ;D

Some notes of a lesson I found :

This makes music seem so much harder than most people use to
imagine it to be. But it really is hard. It shifts so often into physics and complicated computer program stuff etc.
It's always facinating for me to hear about sound waves and
how they behave, about acoustic feedback, programs like
Cubase and all those other things. I'm not an
expert at all in this field, I only know some things my
boyfriend keeps telling me and the things I see during
some of his productions. If you want to get more
information on music production you can check out
my boyfriend's youtube channel. He has some tutorials as well.
Sound Design Tutorial with Virtual Riot
Some more snaps from the Studio :
imagine it to be. But it really is hard. It shifts so often into physics and complicated computer program stuff etc.
It's always facinating for me to hear about sound waves and
how they behave, about acoustic feedback, programs like
Cubase and all those other things. I'm not an
expert at all in this field, I only know some things my
boyfriend keeps telling me and the things I see during
some of his productions. If you want to get more
information on music production you can check out
my boyfriend's youtube channel. He has some tutorials as well.
Sound Design Tutorial with Virtual Riot
Some more snaps from the Studio :
I think this is an outdated music recording machine which
isn't used anymore, but it looked so "retro fancy"
I had to photograph it ;D
isn't used anymore, but it looked so "retro fancy"
I had to photograph it ;D

I drove 5 hours by bus to Mannheim. It was okay ^^
I read "Memories of a Geisha" on my way ♥
I could have been there in 2 hours, too but the long bus ride
was way cheaper. This is the main station of Mannheim :
I read "Memories of a Geisha" on my way ♥
I could have been there in 2 hours, too but the long bus ride
was way cheaper. This is the main station of Mannheim :
As I had to wait a bit at the station for my boyfriend to pick me up
because he still had some courses I decided to wait in a pretty
café. I had a Chai latte and continued to read my book ♥
It was very calming & relaxing :3
When my boyfriend picked me up I was so super excited
although we had seen each other a week before, but usually
we've never been apart for more than a few days.
because he still had some courses I decided to wait in a pretty
café. I had a Chai latte and continued to read my book ♥
It was very calming & relaxing :3
When my boyfriend picked me up I was so super excited
although we had seen each other a week before, but usually
we've never been apart for more than a few days.
I could really feel my heart beat when he finally hugged me again *-* ♥
On Saturday I went to a huge shopping mall called "Rhein-Galerie"
with my boyfriend and his sister and a friend of hers.
with my boyfriend and his sister and a friend of hers.
That day the mall was open until midnight ^-^
We had a great time ~♪
We had a great time ~♪
A shop which sold cup cakes and milkshakes was called Pink Punk ^.^
Valentin bought me a Mango milkshake ^.^


After shopping we went to some clubs and bars in Mannheim.
We went with Valentin's friends and fellow students, they
were all really nice *-* and also totally interesting as they
are all artists/musicians. I had some really great conversations !
In one bar they had lots of funny named shots and on of them
was called "Pinky" ♥
Some of my good friends at University use to call me that ^^
We went with Valentin's friends and fellow students, they
were all really nice *-* and also totally interesting as they
are all artists/musicians. I had some really great conversations !
In one bar they had lots of funny named shots and on of them
was called "Pinky" ♥
Some of my good friends at University use to call me that ^^
I had a really adventurous time, meet so many fantastic new people
and of course was super happy to spend so much time with my
love again ♥♥♥ I could have taken much more pictures etc.
but I guess you understand I also just wanted to enjoy the time ^^
and of course was super happy to spend so much time with my
love again ♥♥♥ I could have taken much more pictures etc.
but I guess you understand I also just wanted to enjoy the time ^^
Neko's music :
• Virtual Riot - Sugar rush ♥
I love the move so much !! Watched it together with my honey and I had to cry like 1 hour long after the move as it was just so touching and lovely ♥♥♥

Thanks for reading !
See you next time (^-^)v ニヤー ♥