Miss Neko

Miss Neko

Mittwoch, 12. September 2012

Accepted at University for Japanese & A day in Düsseldorf ♥

Hi there (^-^)v
I have big news !
I got accepted at university for japanese and english !
I will begin next month, the university is in my favourite town
Düsseldorf ♥ I also already got a place to live there.
I'm so happy that I finally don't need to worry about my future anymore.
This is really a dream coming true for me.
I wanted to do this since I'm 13.
On monday I went to Düsseldorf with my mother ♥
We did some things which had to be done at university,
ate in their canteen and explored the city.
I'm glad the food they offer there is very good and they focus on healthy
eating. They even had little signs there which said "Vegan" etc.
This is in front of one of the buildings to which I'll have to go :
And of course I also had to take some Purikura in Düsseldorf ♥
I took them together with my mother, she found it very funny,
she even edited the right picture by herself ^^
The duck at the right side reminds me of one of the best skeches I know :D
and we did talk about it earlier that day ^^
Loriot :
( it's in German )
♥ Mokona ♥
I also took some pictures on the grouds of the University
This is the sign that says "Welcome" 
This is their library, which is also the state library :
There are also some very neat places where you can relax ♥
 At the right side there is a little lake and in the background you can see a small waterfall ♥ So you could hear some relaxing burbling of water while sitting there.
 We also tried out lots of  bus connectins so I get to know the place better.
 While waiting for a bus we sat down at a well near the bus stop ♪
Today I went to the dentist. I had a small surgery as 2 of my wisdom teeth
still needed to get out. I had the same surgery about half a year ago
with my other 2 wisdom teeth, so I knew what I had to expect.
Luckily the people at my dentist are all very nice and friendly,
so I'm never uncomfortable there and always keep a positive
attitude towards this ^^
So this is how I looked right after the surgery :
 I can't really smile ~ *ailing-face day*   ;D
but don't worry I'm not sad and the pain is bearable.
While I'm writing this I'm sitting here with a cooling pack
that I hold to my cheek from time to time.
To everyone who also got out there wisdom teeth today
or will soon : Don't be afraid ! It can only get better ♥
Always have a positive mindset
 Neko's music :

awesome mood \(*O*)/
• Nero - Crush on you (Knife Party remix)
Thank you for reading ♥ nyan
Have an awesome day \(^-^)/ Bye ~♪

5 Kommentare:

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deiner Annahme! ^___^
    Die Uni und die Gegend sehen sehr schön aus. Und in Düsseldorf zu studieren / wohnen hört sich eh einfach nur toll an. *-*

    Und du siehst auch nach dem Zahnarzt noch sehr hübsch aus, finde ich. o:

  2. herzlichen Glückwunsch :) toll das du angenommen wurdest und jetzt alles sicher ist :) Ich muss leider noch warten und hänge zur Zeit ein bisschen in der Luft :(
    Meine Weißheitszähne sind auch schon draußen, aber ich sah wesentlich schlimmer nach der OP aus (bei mir musste der Kiefer aufgeschnitten werden >.<) also hast du großes Glück :3


  3. Aw, deine Mutter und du - ihr seht süß zusammen auf den Puris aus x3 ~ ♥

  4. Ich wünsch dir viiiel Spaß an der Uni, hofentlich wird's nichts zu stressig und schwierig ~~ Und bei Japanologie hast du bestimmt coole Mitstudenten ^3^

    Die Uni in Bremen dagegen ist echt hässlich...fast schon eine Strafanstalt XD

  5. Gratz for the uni :3
    It was nice to find out your blog ^^ I'm a remigrant from Japan, I used to live there before and now I have moved back to Finland.
    It sucks with the wisdom teeth surgery -.- I had mine removed and then I couldn't talk for the whole day. I tried to call my boss that I must skip work and my talking was like öömhwöhömwhömwhömw, he hung it up and I had to send an SMS ><.
    Imma follow your blog, it would be nice if you check out mine & follow if you want ;)

    xxx Lara
